And…We’re Live! Why ‘You’ Can be the Hardest Subject of All

I’ve done a number of media interviews over the past few months to publicise the Black Queen and Lightning Ridge ahead of the upcoming tourism season.

Most recently, I was interviewed by That’s Life magazine, Australia’s most popular magazine about the real life stories of readers. In case you missed it, here’s the story that ran.

The That's Life piece

The That’s Life piece

Being interviewed about your life by a journalist is a strange experience. Now, I’m a fairly confident person, and no prizes for guessing that I really enjoy talking about my life and connecting with others.

But being in a formal interview with a journalist, and knowing that what you say could end up immortalised in print, is a different thing altogether and if you’re not careful, you can end up being overwhelmed by it or only talking to an agenda.

As such, I’ve picked up a few tips and tricks for interviews that can be carried over into other areas of our lives.

1. Don’t be afraid of your story. By this I mean be confident that you have an interesting story to tell and that your story will connect with others. There’s a great quote from Marianne Williamson around the fact that our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. She says it is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. As such, in any situation when we find we are scared or hesitant, we must remember to let go of the fear and allow ourselves to be brilliant.

2. Keep on message. One of the most important things in preparing for an interview is to know what you want to say, and to make sure you say it. For me, I always want to make sure that people know about the Black Queen and that they understand its history and legacy, as well as how we came to be here. I also want to make sure people know about the wonderful sights and attractions Lightning Ridge has to offer, and what a transformative place it can be.

I can think of many situations in our everyday lives where keeping on message is important – whether it be in the workplace during an important pitch, when being interviewed for a new job, or in making sure you are living according to your values and purpose.

3. Have fun! Often I wonder at why people need to be reminded to have fun – surely it goes without saying! But, and I’m guilty of it too sometimes, we can get stuck inside our heads and take things a little too seriously. Sharing a laugh with someone is a great way to build an instant connection and rapport, and this is something I always try to get out of the way early on in an interview.

When a journalist likes you, your chances of a good story are enhanced considerably. This is also true in other situations in life – customer service being one of them – when being pleasant and having a good time can get you further. You can catch more flies with honey, and, bonus, enjoy yourself while you’re doing it!

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1 Response to And…We’re Live! Why ‘You’ Can be the Hardest Subject of All

  1. Pingback: What to do when you feel ‘rusty’ | The Queen and I

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